Source code for vtkxml


This module provides tools for creating VTK XML files for use with ParaView and
other similar data visualization tools. It is meant to be used within a
separate post-processing script to turn raw data output into an XML file.

.. todo:: Add writer for other grid types
    from xml.dom import minidom as dom
except ImportError:
    # Python 2.5
    from xml.dom import ext as dom

[docs]class VtuWriter(object): """ :param bit64: If true, use 64 bit value strings. Writer for VTK unstructured grid XML files. The primary public methods are :meth:`write_data_file` and :meth:`write_pvd_file`. Usage example: >>> import tempfile, os >>> td = tempfile.gettempdir() >>> w= VtuWriter() >>> v = {'positions': [[1, 2.5, 3], [2, 1, 3], [3.5, 1, 2]]} >>> s = {'temps': [1.0, 2.0, 1.5]} >>> w.write_data_file(os.path.join(td, 'vtu0.vtu'), s, v) .. todo:: Add support for cell and vert data in addition to point data """ def __init__(self, bit64=False): self.fnames = [] self.bit64 = bit64 @staticmethod
[docs] def vectors_to_string(*vectors): """ :param \*vectors: A list of lists, each with an element of a vector. Convert a list of one or more vectors into a string, where each line contains one element from each of the vectors. See the example below. Note that the order of the elements is preserved. >>> print VtuWriter.vectors_to_string([1,2,3], [4,5,6]) 1 4 2 5 3 6 >>> print VtuWriter.vectors_to_string([1,2,3]) 1 2 3 """ lines = [] for v in zip(*vectors): lines.append(' '.join([str(i) for i in v])) return '\n'.join(lines)
[docs] def guess_scalar_type(self, data): """ :param data: A list of scalar data values. Guess the data type of the series. Assumes 32 bit values unless `bit64` was specified to the constructor. If a valid type cannot be found, a `ValueError` exception is raised. >>> w32 = VtuWriter() >>> w32.guess_scalar_type([1,2,3]) 'UInt32' >>> w32.guess_scalar_type([-1,2,3]) 'Int32' >>> w32.guess_scalar_type([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]) 'Float32' >>> w32.guess_scalar_type([1.0, 2, 3.0]) 'Float32' >>> w64 = VtuWriter(bit64=True) >>> w64.guess_scalar_type([1,2,3]) 'UInt64' >>> w64.guess_scalar_type([-1,2,3]) 'Int64' >>> w64.guess_scalar_type([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]) 'Float64' >>> w64.guess_scalar_type([1.0, 2, 3.0]) 'Float64' """ # Int and UInt if all(type(x) is int for x in data): # UInt if all(x >= 0 for x in data): return 'UInt64' if self.bit64 else 'UInt32' else: return 'Int64' if self.bit64 else 'Int32' # Float if all(type(x) in (float, int) for x in data): return 'Float64' if self.bit64 else 'Float32' raise ValueError('Failed to detect valid data type')
[docs] def guess_vector_type(self, data): """ :param data: A list of vector element lists. Each list contains the data for a particular element of a vector. Guess the data type of the vector series. Behaves the same as `guess_scalar_type`. >>> w32 = VtuWriter() >>> w32.guess_vector_type([[1,2,3], [1,2,3]]) 'UInt32' >>> w32.guess_vector_type([[-1,2,3], [1,2,3]]) 'Int32' >>> w32.guess_vector_type([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]]) 'Float32' >>> w32.guess_vector_type([[1.0, 2, 3.0], [1, 2, 3]]) 'Float32' >>> w64 = VtuWriter(bit64=True) >>> w64.guess_vector_type([[1,2,3], [1,2,3]]) 'UInt64' >>> w64.guess_vector_type([[-1,2,3], [1,2,3]]) 'Int64' >>> w64.guess_vector_type([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]]) 'Float64' >>> w64.guess_vector_type([[1.0, 2, 3.0], [1, 2, 3]]) 'Float64' """ types = [self.guess_scalar_type(col) for col in data] # UInt if all(x in ('UInt32', 'UInt64') for x in types): return types[0] # Int if all(x in ('Int32', 'Int64', 'UInt32', 'UInt64') for x in types): return 'Int64' if self.bit64 else 'Int32' # Float return 'Float64' if self.bit64 else 'Float32'
[docs] def generate_scalar(self, doc, name, data, datatype): """ :param doc: An `xml.dom.minidom.Document` object. :param name: Name of the data series. :param data: List of data series values. :param datatype: Data type to use for data series. Generates a ``<DataArray>`` XML element that contains scalar data. """ scalar = doc.createElementNS('VTK', 'DataArray') scalar.setAttribute('Name', name) scalar.setAttribute('type', datatype or self.guess_scalar_type(data)) scalar.setAttribute('format', 'ascii') scalar.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(self.vectors_to_string(data))) return scalar
[docs] def generate_vector(self, doc, name, data, datatype): """ :param doc: An `xml.dom.minidom.Document` object. :param name: Name of the data series. :param data: List of data series values. :param datatype: Data type to use for data series. Generates a ``<DataArray>`` XML element that contains vector data. """ ncomp = len(data) vector = doc.createElementNS('VTK', 'DataArray') vector.setAttribute('Name', name) vector.setAttribute('type', datatype or self.guess_vector_type(data)) vector.setAttribute('format', 'ascii') vector.setAttribute('NumberOfComponents', str(ncomp)) vector.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(self.vectors_to_string(*data))) return vector
[docs] def write_data_file(self, fn, scalars, vectors, types={}, pname='positions'): """ :param fn: Filename to save XML document to, including extension. :param scalars: Dictionary of scalar data series. :param vectors: Dictionary of vector data series. :param types: Dictionary of type strings. :param pname: Positions vector series name. Create an XML file with filename `fn` that contains the data given. Data are passed in using the `scalars` and `vectors` parameters. These are dictionaries of the form :: {<field_name>: [<elements_1>, <elements_2>,...,<elements_n>], ...} for vectors and :: {<field_name>: <elements>, ...} for scalars, where `<elements>` and `<elements_i>` are lists of data values. So, for example, a bunch of particle positions might be passed in using a `vectors` dictionary such as :: {'positions': [[1,2,3], [1,2,3], [1,2,3]]} which would correspond to particles located at (1, 1, 1), (2, 2, 2), (3, 3, 3). Similarly, two scalar variables could be created using a `scalars` argument like the one given below. :: {'radius': [3, 2, 5], 'mass': [5, 8, 3]} In this case, the particle located at (1, 1, 1) in the `vectors` example would have radius `3` and mass `5`, etc. Data types may optionally be provided for each data series using the `types` parameter. Vector and scalars types are provided in a single dictionary in which the keys are the field names from the `vector` and `scalar` arguments and the values are valid VTK data type strings such as `UInt32` or `Float32`. Any data series that do not have types provided will have their types auto-detected. Finally, the `pname` parameter may be used to specify the name of a vector data series that should be treated as points in the unstructured grid. The default is `positions`. A points vector is required. """ npts = len(vectors[pname][0]) doc = dom.Document() # <VTKFile> root = doc.createElementNS('VTK', 'VTKFile') root.setAttribute('type', 'UnstructuredGrid') root.setAttribute('version', '0.1') root.setAttribute('byte_order', 'LittleEndian') doc.appendChild(root) # <UnstructuredGrid> ug = doc.createElementNS('VTK', 'UnstructuredGrid') root.appendChild(ug) # <Piece> piece = doc.createElementNS('VTK', 'Piece') piece.setAttribute('NumberOfPoints', str(npts)) piece.setAttribute('NumberOfCells', '0') ug.appendChild(piece) # <Points> points = doc.createElementNS('VTK', 'Points') piece.appendChild(points) points.appendChild(self.generate_vector( doc, pname, vectors[pname], types.get(pname, None))) # <PointData> pdata = doc.createElementNS('VTK', 'PointData') piece.appendChild(pdata) for name in vectors: if name == pname: continue pdata.appendChild(self.generate_vector( doc, name, vectors[name], types.get(name, None))) for name in scalars: pdata.appendChild(self.generate_scalar( doc, name, scalars[name], types.get(name, None))) # <Cells> cells = doc.createElementNS('VTK', 'Cells') piece.appendChild(cells) cc = doc.createElementNS('VTK', 'DataArray') cc.setAttribute('type', 'Int32') cc.setAttribute('Name', 'connectivity') cc.setAttribute('format', 'ascii') cells.appendChild(cc) connectivity = doc.createTextNode('0') cc.appendChild(connectivity) # <CellData> cd = doc.createElementNS('VTK', 'CellData') piece.appendChild(cd) # Write to file and exit with open(fn, 'w') as outfile: try: doc.writexml(outfile, newl='\n') except AttributeError: # Python 2.5 dom.PrettyPrint(doc, outfile) self.fnames.append(fn)
[docs] def write_pvd_file(self, fn): """ :param fn: Filename to save PVD file to. Write a PVD file with filename `fn` that contains references to the data files previously created with this instance. """ pvd = dom.Document() # <VTKFile> root = pvd.createElementNS('VTK', 'VTKFile') root.setAttribute('type', 'Collection') root.setAttribute('version', '0.1') root.setAttribute('byte_order', 'LittleEndian') pvd.appendChild(root) # <Collection> collection = pvd.createElementNS('VTK', 'Collection') root.appendChild(collection) # <DataSet> (several) for i, f in enumerate(self.fnames): ds = pvd.createElementNS('VTK', 'DataSet') ds.setAttribute('timestep', str(i)) ds.setAttribute('group', '') ds.setAttribute('part', '0') ds.setAttribute('file', f) collection.appendChild(ds) with open(fn, 'w') as outfile: try: pvd.writexml(outfile, newl='\n') except AttributeError: # Python 2.5 dom.PrettyPrint(pvd, outfile)

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